Discover the Wellness Tool That You Can Use Every Day and It’s Free

Breathwork might become your new best friend

Melissa Scala
5 min readAug 15, 2023


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You heard me right when I said this wellness tool is free. And when you heard me tell you can use it every day.

We all actually do use it every day, but we don’t all utilize it to its full potential for our wellness.

I have been living in the universe of wellness for over 2 decades.

Gulp, yeah I am old enough to say ‘2 decades’.

Anyway, back to my story.

I thought I was doing everything right in my world of wellness. I ate right, I exercised, I did mindfulness practices, a bit of yoga, and walking meditations.

I really didn’t need any kind of traditional meditation practice and I couldn’t sit still not thinking of anything anyway, so I never tried traditional meditation.

In hindsight, ‘what was I thinking’? After my dad died, it became exactly what I needed.

Meditation is not what I am talking about though, although this free tool is a part of meditation.

I am talking about a breathwork practice. Awhhh…

We have a natural breathing cadence that we don’t even think about. It just happens. We breathe in and…



Melissa Scala

Writing about amazing food, nutrition, wellness + lifestyle. WITH A DOSE OF JOY! Join for self + health improvement ➡️