Recharge & Refresh: Ways to Unwind on the Weekends and Make it Feel Longer

No one ever said that they wanted their weekend to go by fast

Melissa Scala
4 min readJul 29, 2023


women relaxing by the water, reading a book on the weekend.
Photo by Nguyen Thu Hoai on Unsplash

Most of us are relieved and psyched for the weekend when Friday morning arrives. The first thing anyone says on a Friday is “TGIF”! We all love our time to relax and unwind on the weekend.

We want the weekend to last forever. But how often do you get to Sunday night and feel like the weekend raced by?

Let me tell you a secret. My weekends almost always feel long and I have figured out why.

I create a weekend with a mix of productivity, fun, novelty, mindfulness, and gratitude.

I think novelty and gratitude are the heavy hitters are far as making the time slow down. I crave going to new places on the weekends. This can cost $0 and be within 10–30 miles of my home.

Or it can be a day trip. I mix it up.

I don’t go crazy here. I find new places to go — simple as that. It’s usually nature, coffee or kombucha shops, new stores, farmer's markets, new towns, or restaurants. I could go on and on.

It just needs to be new to me.



Melissa Scala

Writing about amazing food, nutrition, wellness + lifestyle. WITH A DOSE OF JOY! Join for self + health improvement ➡️